Apostolic Leaders Conference (ALC)

The great commission (Matt. 28:19) has always been a driving force behind the Apostolic ministry of Dr. Hezekiah Adesanya. As a result of this, it has taken him to over 25 countries in the last 24 years of Ministry, across 4 continents. As an Apostle with hunger for souls to be saved and transformed into the fullness of Christ, meeting with the crowds, yet sensitive enough to meet with people one on one, it became evident that a forum to consolidate this world-wide movement and develop others along the way was needed.

Apostle Adesanya has developed, mentored, ordained, and released many into the ministry at all levels of leadership as outlined in the Bible. The necessity for quality leadership at all aspects from five-fold ministry gifts to administrative offices of Bishops and Deacons are obvious needs in the world and body of Christ today. Many function in the ministry and churches but have no idea of what the work entailed and therefore like Apostle Paul said’ “follow carefully designed fables.” However, it is also evident that many would prefer the option of right mentoring, development growth without all the fanfare with real and practical exemplary leadership styles.

In order to facilitate this and to provide a forum for growth into full stature, REMWO-ALC was birthed in the last quarter of 2010. REMWO-ALC is not a social church organization, and we do not believe in “promoting” people to next level, this comes from God. We believe in and strong desire to fulfill the great commission, we believe in edifying the body of Christ, developing the many multifaceted gifting in believers and helping them to reach full stature in Christ. The Apostleship cannot be bought or promoted into; it is a calling that is manifested in Apostolic works and the full office. This umbrella organization will, through the work of our Apostles, create the following:

Provide forum for recognizing and releasing other Apostles in Nations and regions, mainly for positioning for the great commission and release unto greater works. (Acts 1:8)

Create Pastoral/Ministerial Networks that will allow for pastoral/ministerial mentoring and nurturing of ministers. Pastors/ministers need to be supported and nurtured. Apostle Paul nurtured young Timothy and others to high levels of leadership.
Create Evangelism and Outreach Teams designed to accomplish the full work of disciplining of nations.

Apostolic leaders must understand the principles of authority and government but above this is covenant relationship; we do not exist outside of each other and we commit one to another to fulfill the commission. In a covenant relationship we are partners who pray for one another and support one another.

REMWO-ALC is governed by a college of Apostles under the Leadership of Apostle Dr. Hezekiah Adesanya, who is the founder and Presiding Bishop of Reconciliation Ministries World Outreach. Our Global and Regional Apostolic leaders have the mantle and freedom to recognize other Apostles and present them to be accepted into fellowship, create Pastoral and Outreach networks as necessary to position people for the great commission. Admission into REMWO-ALC shall be by recommendation of at least 2 Apostles in the Conference with one at least in the College of Apostles.

Finally the REMWO-ALC is an interdenominational, multi-ethnic organization that welcomes Apostles, pastors, ministers, and believers from all races, nations, socio-academic backgrounds into the fellowship for the work of the great commission.


Position paper:

Who is an Apostle?

What are Apostolic Functions?

What are Apostolic Works?

What is the Apostolic Office?
