REMWO Organizations

Reconciliation Ministries World Outreach in Amber, PA (REWMO) is a multifaceted ministry with many parts, ALL designed towards the fulfillment of the great commission: “Go ye therefore and disciple all nations,” (Matthew 28:19). Each organization, although functioning independently, is supported directly by Faith and Victory Chapel.


HQ Church: Faith and Victory Chapel

What A Woman He Made Me Ministries (WAWHM3)

Dedicated to ministry to the total Woman Visitation to Shelters

Telios Men’s Ministries

The vision of Telios Men’s ministry was adapted from Ephesians 4:12-13.
The word “perfect” in the Greek “Telios” means mature, complete, and of full age. Therefore, the vision of the Telios Men’s Ministries of Reconciliation Ministries World Outreach is to, by the grace of God, help men to come to Telios in their lives in the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.
We perform various outreach events as a platform to achieve our goal of ministering and connecting to men of all ages. Some of our events are:
Dedicated to Ministry to the total Man. Visitation to Shelters

